Perry Chen


Perry Chen is an artist, musician and American entrepreneur who created and co-founded Kickstarter. Perry started Kickstarter with a vision to help creative projects come to life. Since its inception, Kickstarter has launched nearly half a million music, film, game, fashion and other creative projects. After stepping down as CEO, Perry is currently focusing on his art projects.


If you could recommend 3 books to anyone, what would they be?


People who want to design — or understand the nature of — systems that can stand the test of time.


Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut

Folks with a dry sense of humor and a love for the absurd.


Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino

Absurdity at its very best.


What are you reading now?


Whose reading list are you most curious about?


“Donna Tartt.”

— Perry Chen

Books Read By

Books Read By is a catalogue in the service of a greater reading culture. Founded by Anonymous in 2020, the site explores the reading habits of inspiring people (founders, leaders, makers, and everyone in between). Each survey is an intimate look into the books that have shaped and changed them.

JL Collins


Stefan Sagmeister