John Maeda


John Maeda is a graphic designer, technologist and product experience leader who bridges business, engineering and design. He is also the author of The Laws of Simplicity, a seminal book in graphic design. Much of his early work as an artist is widely considered the foundation for interactive motion graphics. John is currently the SVP Chief Experience Officer at Everbridge, where he works on technologies that will help save lives and keep businesses and society running.


If you could recommend 3 books to anyone, what would they be?


I read it every month. Sometimes every week. It keeps me going because it reminds me that the pursuit of innovation and change is something you choose to do — and because you have done so, it means you're in for a lot of learning.


I had no idea how smart the octopus really was. And I also had no idea how so much of how the octopus exists in the world could be used in every possible way — especially as a leader of an organization at any scale. I recall being sad to find out that the author died a few years back ... hit by a drunk driver. It made me think how he probably wished he were an octopus at that moment when his mortality overcame him. So it's a book that taught me many things within its pages, and also through the author's short lifetime.


Eat a Peach by David Chang

One of my daughters who is now a breadmaker gave it to me. By reading it, she understood what it might have been like to grow up in a family without much. It helped her understand me better. That made me happy.


What are you reading now?


“I'm still reading Eat a Peach. What's next? I'll find out!”


Whose book recommendations are you most curious about?

“I try to not to be too influenced by others.”

Books Read By

Books Read By is a catalogue in the service of a greater reading culture. Founded by Anonymous in 2020, the site explores the reading habits of inspiring people (founders, leaders, makers, and everyone in between). Each survey is an intimate look into the books that have shaped and changed them.

Peter Bilak


Mark Adams